Your Guide to Teacher Certification Exams in Every State

Teacher in classroom high fiving student

It takes a lot of work to become a teacher. In addition to training, studying, and student teaching, in many cases you also have to pass teacher certification exams. Every single U.S. state requires exams of some sort, but each one is very different.

Whether you are studying for the Praxis, NES or a state-required exam, take a look at this list to get an idea of the tests you may need to take to earn your certificate or license by state.

Teacher Certification Exam Overview

Here are a few notes on teacher tests in general:

And finally: States are constantly changing, revising, and updating their testing requirements. This information is accurate as of summer 2022 but can change at any time. So always verify the tests you’ll need to take before signing up. And now, on to the testing requirements by state!

A – F States

G – L States

M – N States

O – T States

U – W States


In Alabama, teachers take two types of exams:


Alaska requires two types of tests for teacher certification:


In Arizona, there are three areas in which teachers must prove their proficiency, known as the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments:


Arkansas exam requirements depend on the age and subject(s) you plan to teach.


California administers its own set of teacher certification exams (note that Praxis II exams are no longer accepted, with the exception of Speech-Language Pathology). Required tests vary by age and subject and include:


In Colorado, you can bypass testing by completing approved college programs in many cases. Some endorsements do require Praxis content knowledge tests. Learn more here.



Connecticut requires content knowledge exams, offered by Praxis and Pearson.


In Delaware, you’ll need to pass content knowledge exams.


Florida uses its own teacher certification exams program, known as FTCE (Florida Teacher Certification Examinations). There are three types of tests all teachers need to pass:


Georgia has developed its own teaching testing program, GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators). Tests include:


Most Hawaii teacher exams are offered through ETS Praxis. Here’s what the state requires:


Idaho requires the appropriate Praxis Content Knowledge tests for the area and subject(s) you plan to teach. Some tests have multiple subtests built in. Learn more about Idaho’s required Praxis tests here.


In Illinois, you need to pass two types of teacher certification exams.


Indiana transitioned to Praxis Subject Area tests as of September 1, 2021. These verify your knowledge of subject matter and teaching skills for the ages and subject(s) you’ll be teaching. Learn more about the Indiana Praxis Subject Area Tests here.


In Iowa, if you complete a state approved teacher prep program, exams are not required. You’ll be granted your initial teaching license after completing the program and meeting state requirements.

If moving to the state of Iowa, teachers need to show proof of completing an accredited out-of-state program including transcript review. Learn more here.


Kansas requires two types of teaching certification tests:


Kentucky has several teacher testing requirements:


Louisiana requires the following teacher exams:


Maine has three required teacher tests:


Maryland has several teacher testing requirements:


The Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) program oversees teacher testing in the state. They are currently trying a pilot program of alternative assessments, so you may have a variety of options to meet each testing requirement. Be sure to visit Massachusetts’ Department of Education website to find the latest information. Here’s an overview of the current test requirements:


You’ll need to pass the appropriate MTTC (Michigan Test for Teacher Certification) content exams. These Pearson tests vary based on the ages and subject(s) you’ll be teaching. Learn more here.


The Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations (MTLE) cover several areas. The state has a tiered licensing system, with varying tests required at each tier.


Mississippi has multiple testing requirements:


Missouri has its own set of teacher certification exams called MEGA (Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments), administered by Pearson. They include:


Montana requires the Praxis Content Knowledge tests appropriate to the ages and subject(s) you’ll be teaching. Learn more about the required Praxis tests here.


Nebraska uses Praxis testing for teacher certification. These tests include:


Nevada uses Praxis exams, including:

New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s teacher testing requirements include:

New Jersey

New Jersey uses Praxis testing for teacher certification. These tests include:

New Mexico

New Mexico is in the process of changing its testing requirements.

New York

North Carolina

North Carolina uses Pearson and Praxis tests for teacher certification.

North Dakota

North Dakota uses Praxis exams for teacher licensure:


In Ohio, these are the testing requirements:


Oklahoma is in the middle of revising many of its test requirements. The state eliminated the OGET (Oklahoma General Education Test) as of May 6, 2022. However, it still requires these tests:


In Oregon, there are several types of testing requirements:


Here are Pennsylvania’s teacher certification exam requirements:

Rhode Island

Rhode Island uses Praxis tests for teacher certification. These tests include pedagogy and content knowledge assessment. See Rhode Island’s testing requirements here.

South Carolina

South Carolina teacher tests include:

South Dakota

South Dakota uses these tests:


Tennessee uses the following tests:


Teacher certification exams in Texas include:


Utah requires two types of tests:


Vermont requires the following tests:


In Virginia, testing requirements include:


Washington requires two types of teacher assessments:

West Virginia

West Virginia uses Praxis tests for teacher licensing:


Wisconsin teacher certification exams include:


Wyoming has only these requirements: